We pulled up to the Georgetown in the limo just as the sky was beginning to turn gray. The room looked beautiful all lit up with people trickling in, choosing their seats. The cake looked great with a spotlight shining down on it, the little cake toppers I painted proudly standing at the top under a grape-wine arch. It even had a fountain at the bottom (which was a requirement from the start!)

Soft accordion music was playing from the corner where the accordion player was set up near the DJ. After greeting a few guests at the door, we headed over to take our seats at the bridal table.

Before we knew it, it was time for the toasts. Jen was shaking like a leaf next to me. She gave her toast first, and it was so sweet! I teared up just a little bit as I listened to her speak to my character and how happy she was for Ryan and I.
Kyle spoke next. He spoke about what a great family raised Ryan to be the gentleman he is. He said he was so happy that Ryan found the love of his life (thats me!). He finished with a "So...yeah, take it easy!" Which made for a chuckle as we raised our glasses.
After the toast the staff of the Georgetown began sending tables to the buffet, with us going first. I felt like royalty as a girl from the Georgetown carried my plate for me the whole time! The food was great. We ate and enjoyed, then headed down to cut the cake.
Damon the DJ announced that the cake cutting was happening, Jim the photographer got into position. Ryan and I clasped the knife together, picked a spot, and made the slice. The cake was frosted with icing of a cool-whip consistency. Great for taste-buds; not so great for picking up and feeding to your new spouse. We grabbed what we could and fed each other a simultaneous bite.

We didn't shove or smear cake on each other's faces, but it was messy just the same, with a blob of cake falling onto Ry's tux. No matter, my mom was right there to brush it off with a napkin. Thanks, Ma!
Cake cutting complete, it was on to (drum roll, please...) the dance! Ryan and I had been taking secret lessons from a salsa guru in Columbus. We actually had planned on dancing a salsa, but after two lessons we felt like pretzels. Not the good kind. We felt like the kind of pretzels that are so mishapen they cut them up and use as samples. We decided to do a bachata, with a lot less fancy arm and foot work.
To be honest, we were still smoothing the bumps out minutes before the reception. We took our position on the dance floor, and Damon cued up the tunes. We started dancing to the eighth beat of "Quede Solo en la Pobreza," by Kiko Rodriguez. We heard cheers and applause as we broke out into our unexpected dance. It was nothing too fancy, just a few spins and turns, but we loved it, and so did our guests.

After our dance, Damon called all couples to the floor and we shared in a slow dance together. Later he would pick them off one by one based on years married. Ryans Nanna and Pop-pop won that by a landslide - 69 years! However, that did not deter Baba from stealing Pop-pop away for a dance or 3.

After more dancing, mingling, stopping by the fruit and cheese table, and cookie table, it was time for the bouquet toss. All the single ladies lined up. I was too busy doing the Zumba routine to the song that I almost missed the cue to toss! A 1..2..and 3 and the bouquet was out of my hands, and landing in the open arms of, who else? Baba! The smile on her face was priceless. She's been a "single lady" since my Grandpa passed away in 2008. She promptly shouted "There's still hope!"

After the bouquet toss Ryan and I posed for a few more photos with guests, talked with some friends, and before we knew it, the hall was thinning out. It was after 11 by the time it really hit us that candles were being blown out and the bartenders were wiping out glasses behind the bar.
Some of the bridal party and our friend Brit stayed til the last box was loaded. Ryan and I hopped back in the limo where we rode, cuddled up, to the Hampton Inn in Canfield.
We entered the hotel in our wedding clothes, Ryan with is overnight bag, and me with mine. I used a small piece of luggage of my moms that just screamed "Get-away suitcase." After we checked in, we headed up to the honeymoon suite.
The first thing we noticed was a treat basket filled with chocolates, cheese, crackers, fruit, and apple juice. We nibbled on our treats as we filled the Jacuzzi (thats right! Jacuzzi!). I pulled about a thousand bobby pins out of my hair as we enjoyed our room, even lighting the fireplace (thats right! fireplace!) before bed.
We drifted off to sleep in our giant king-sized bed.
To be continued...