Late last month (September) we went with Ryan's parents to the Andrew Wyeth museum in Chadd's Ford, PA. We brough his grandma along for a fun day and a beautiful drive down there. The paintings were beautiful.
After the museum we headed to a long anticipated dinner. Since the beginning of our relationship, Ryan's family has told me about the one and only "Shady Maple Smorgasboard." It's got to be the largest restaurant I've ever been in. I've been saying for years that I want to go to Shady Maple, and I finally had that dream fufilled. We filed in in long lines to the desk to pay for our meal tickets, then we were filtered into this section and that secion to a line for the secotion in which we would ultimately sit. This place is giant. A long buffet coveres nearly the whole wall. There's a bread section, a seafood section, meat section with sausage, steaks, chiken, ribs, dessert sections, drink stations with slushies, and many selections of comfort food and Pennsylvania Dutch classics.
We ate our fill and I tried a lot of different foods. After we were all though we looked in the gift shop a while - which is just a huge as the dining area. Ryan's mom ended up buying us a little stuffed whoopie pie man, a friend for Domo!
My parents were able to bring Baba with them for a visit and we were fortunate enough to show them the house. They all really liked and are excited for us. My mom and Greg will be coming down again this weekend bringing some extra furniture and other items for us.
While they were here we took baba to Hershey's Chocolate World, which she really enjoyed, and then went to a delicious brunch at the Hershey Hotel. The food was plentiful and very good. We had dinner the night before at Gabriella's Italian Restaurant. I had my favorite- chicken Francaise.
Other big news for this month is that I finally got a job! Until this I've been searching, applying, working the occasional wellness clinic or flu clinic, and hoping for a real opportunity to come through.
I started 2 weeks ago with a really great home health agency. They seem really good so far and like they really have it all together. I've been on orientation so far but I will begin seeing patients on my own on Monday!
This year for our annual costume at Chipotle for our Booritos we dressed as inmates. This is actually the costume I've been least proud of. We just put on white shirts, stuck on some black paper stripes and held up cards that said "Dept of Corrections #1258887362". Ryan didnt want to have to put any makeup on his face (last year he had to wear a little to be a scarecrow) and we were in a hurry so our options were limited. Oh well. We got our food.
After chiptole we went to Lititz to stay with Ryan's grandma after her breif hospital stay. Happy to report she is doing really well and much beter than we expected.
I'll blog again after move-in :)