Liza has become a pro at sitting up on her own, and standing while holding on. She showed off these skills on Thanksgiving in Gates-Mills to our parents and great grandma Shelly. She also fell in love with her new favorite toy - a stainless steel colander! Good thing we have one at home for her to play with.
We've been enjoying Born to Read, and just picked up two awesome books for Liza. One is phrases in English and Spanish, and the other is "Press Here" a New York Times bestselling children's book.
We've also been having fun play dates with other moms, enjoying mom group, and even took a "Music Together" preview class (we still have the songs stuck in our heads). We've gone running a few times with my friend Shannon and her 1 year old son Tyler/
Liza laughed for the first time a few weeks ago and it was such an emotional beautiful and joyful moment! She was laying in our bed while Ryan changed out of his work clothes and she was doing her "Baby Thor," where she slams her legs down. Ryan walked over and slammed his arms on the bed to imitate her and she cracked up! We got it on video and she laughed for a long time! Just last night she laughed for the second time (she took a long time to find humor again!). When the rice boiled over and started hissing on the stove she giggled a bit, I was able to keep her laughing by imitating the hissing sound.
She also started solids as she is now 6 months old! She is doing pretty well and has had baby oatmeal and sweet potatoes so far. She likes the sweet potatoes best. Im working on teacher her how to drink from a water bottle, cup, and straw.
I had my first craft show and sold a bib and a cloth maze. A school teacher later ordered 10 mazes, and several mom friends bought bibs and blankets. I have my second show on Saturday - when grandma and grandpa will be in town visiting.
My friend Angela took some family pics for us, Liza was pretty good for the photo shoot but got a little hangry by the end.