Much has happened since my last post! Liza now has her 2 bottom teeth, two upper molars and two lower molars. Her 2 canines just poked through today. All she wants for christmas is her two front teeth! She doesn't care much for brushing but we are working on it every night and morning.
We had a fun Halloween party here at our house with a bunch of moms and baby friends. Liza was adorable as Frida Kahlo, complete with black yarn head piece with ribbons braided in and set with flowers. Unibrow too, of course. I fashioned her a Tijuana dress as best I could using clothes from Wonders Found cut up and sewed together. The other babies looked cute too. We had snacks and some music playing.
October flew by and so did November. We finished up our music class and that will restart in January. Liza graduated from Born to Read at the library and will start Toddler Time next month as well. We've gone to an indoor playground at the Friendship Center several times which she really enjoys.
We had a great Thanksgiving in Gates Mills with Ryan's family. Liza played with her cousin Josh and had lots of fun with Nanna and Pop-pop too, along with some quality time with Aunt Nicole and Uncle Scott. She attempted to say "telescope" when she saw Pop-pop's big telescope in the basement. It came out as "gah-goo-gook" but hey, that's three syllables! We were at Costco yesterday and she pointed to one behind me and said it. I turned around and looked and sure enough there it was- I was impressed!
Liza has been dancing up a storm and we call it her "happy dance" when she gallops and waves her arms in the air. I made a montage video of her dancing to Billy Idol's "Dancing with myself." So cute!
We've been meeting up with friends often, whether having them over to our house or going to theirs, or meeting somewhere else like the library or Bass Pro Shop (where they have a holiday activity area set up).
Today we had about 8 moms (and a dad!) over to our house for a playdate with some snacks. It was fun having everyone over, and it always motivates me to clean the house really well before they come. I got some pictures of all the kids with our good camera. It really feels like a party when everyone is over.
Liza has shown us that she enjoys playing with clothes and towels by putting them over her head or around her shoulders and walking around the house like that. She also like to hold may items in her hands at once, sometimes using her chin to help keep them in her hands.
I sewed her both a Christmas dress and a cozy robe. The both came out pretty well, I'm pretty proud of my sewing lately. It's not perfect and one can easy see the amateur stitching, but I love the items on her. I made her a poncho too that fits great and looks so cute on her.