My mom had everyone over for a pre-Easter picnic. It was my cousin Jen's 28th birthday! We had a cake for her. Jen and I played badminton (hm, never knew there were 2 "n's" in that word, thanks spell check) with our 2 younger cousins. None of us were very good, but at lest we burned a few calories running after the birdie. Also, the daffodils came up just in time for the picnic in our backyard! Daffodils and morning glories are my favorite flowers.

Mom and I by the fire:

The Birthday Girl and I:

Ryan and I had stir-fry when I got home with some new noodles from the New Asian Supermarket by our apartment. The only 2 ingredients in them are wheat flour and salt, they cooked almost instantly!
I worked over the weekend, and my goodness is it hot in some of the residents' apartments. Phew, I am dripping in sweat after putting TED hose on legs the size of tree-trunks in 78-degree apartments.
On Sunday Ryan's parents came down to celebrate Easter. We took them over to the outdoor wall for some climbing. There were about 2 dozen firefighters there climbing too. All of a sudden we heard the word "fire" on their radios and they all went running to the trucks. They were packed up and gone in about 15 seconds flat! They left one guy behind with the gear, and a minute later we hear "all clear" on his radio. One by one the trucks all came back and they were climbing again within a few minutes. They seemed to be impressed with Ryan's led climbing skills.
Ryan's dad did a great job on the wall. We can tell he really enjoys climbing. We tried to get his mom to give it a go, but she was having none of it. Maybe someday!
I was able to go to 2 Latin fusion/Zumba classes yesterday. Next week Lifetime is adding 2 more instructors so I will have a chance to dance 5x/week! Yipee!
Between my 2 classes my cousin Billy came down with his siblings and parents, as well as our grandparents to tour OSU. They seemed to really enjoy it, and it was perfect weather for a tour. They were able to meet me for dinner at Ted's Montana Grill. I was thrilled that everyone ordered bison instead of beef. Everyone said they really liked their burgers.
I start school up again tomorrow with a 12 hour clinical at Grant. 12 hours is a long day, but at least I have Monday and Tuesdays off to work on some ATCs :)
I'll sign off with a pic of little Winston through the porch screen:

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