I started my "Preceptorship" through school. I am following a nurse in a Hospice company while she goes out on her visits, meetings, etc. So far all of the nurses and patients have been very pleasant. I have a feeling though, that by the end of the quarter I might see a person who is actively dying. I've really never had that experience before.
I've been working quite a bit, and this week I started my little volunteer project at work. Every Thursday I am going to go into Trillium for an hour or so to paint nails. Yesterday I did about 7 residents and 5 of them picked the same color! It was fun, and I think it brightened their day. I also think I need to get more mauve polish.
My birthday was yesterday also. Ryan was kinda bummed that I picked up a shift at work last night and we couldn't hang out, but we were able to get some Chipotle for dinner and enjoy that together.
I received so many birthday cards and messages - It all made me so happy.
When I walked into work last night at 7, my friend and co-worker Miranda had our little office break room decorated for my birthday with some beautiful desserts. I was so touched that she set that up for me. I was tired, coming in to work after already working that morning, and kinda down about not spending the evening with Ryan, so when I walked in and saw what Miranda did I just felt so loved and so happy! It was a really great surprise. Miranda is really a great nurse and person.

Well I've been pretty bogged down with work, hospice, and school this week, so hopefully next week will be a little smoother. Til next time!
Oh...one more thing! Our honeymoon tickets are booked! We will be flying into Hanoi on 12/10, and coming back on 12/31!
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