I ordered a dress online with the cha cha in mind...but now that we are doing a jive I'll either send it back or keep it for later. That is if it fits at all. It's a one-shoulder style. I tried on a one-shoulder dress at the mall earlier and it felt like a serious wardrobe malfunction waiting to happen. I think it takes a certain shape to pull the look off...and my shape (I mean lack of shape) up top isn't conducive to holding anything up.
That said...I dove into my closet and fished out an old polka-dot dress from college that still fits. It's good for the waltz, but a little long for a jive I thought. I took it to get hemmed up a few inches. I think the cost of the alteration was more than what I paid for the dress, but whatever. I hope it comes out ok. I now have to focus on trying to get my hair to look sleek. I remember it looked sleek one time as I came up from underwater in a pool...but thats the only time I can think of.
If I may rant for a moment... I am starting to seriously hate Sam's Club. I ran in to buy peanut-butter today and it took forever to get checked out. They only had a few lanes open and all these people were lined up with carts full of bulk toilet paper and pretzel sticks. I was told to go check out at customer service...but that line was just as long! I finally wised up and checked out at the snack bar.
Ok..off to make dinner. Peanut satay noodles with spinach and chicken tonight!
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