Well... I did it!!!
I taught a Zumba class! 2 of them actually. I subbed for a friend of mine out in Plain City. I was really nervous. It's one thing to take a class...but to teach is a whole different animal.
A person doesn't realize how much she depends on instruction until it is taken away...and she becomes an instructor herself. But, I practiced before the class and I think it actually went pretty well for the first time.
I started out with "Boro Boro," a Bollywood-esque song that my friend had been using as a warm-up. After that I went out on a limb and taught a merengue that the girls had never heard. By the end they all had it.
Since the studio is on the 2nd floor of a somewhat abandoned building, it was roughly 130 degrees inside. We are talking about some serious heat. Everyone was drenched by the end...but the class went on despite the temps.
On Wednesday it was even hotter - Lifetime canceled a 5k for the safety of the runners...and there we are baking ourselves in Zumba! But honestly...even if it were 200 degrees in there I would have held the class. I was so happy that my friend came to me to sub, and so excited for my teaching debut. There was actually a pretty good turnout too, 20 people on Monday and 15 on Wednesday.
A special thanks to my Mom for coming down to Columbus to take the class. She drive in on Tuesday and we got a hotel and relaxed and partied with our protein shakes until class started. Even this morning we were able to spend some time just hanging in the apartment, cleaning up, making stuffed peppers for Ryan and I. It felt like the weekend. She also bought me some workout gear for my bday along with some groceries. Thanks mom!!! Love u!!!
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