Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Endless Summer

Im looking forward to flying home tomorrow to celebrate my grandparents 60th wedding anniversary on Saturday.  I'm going going to catch up with friends and other family for a good 10 days! Hopefully my elderly dog Winston is up to the visit.

These past few weeks Ryan and I have been enjoying breakfast (and occasionally dinner) on our patio, and going on at least one hike every weekend.  We also stop at City Cakes about once a week for cookies, and a taco truck often as well.  They are so good and dirt cheap!  I've been hitting the gym quite a bit and really enjoying the Zumba, Barre, and Lift classes that are offered.  I've also started dabbling in alcohol inks as an art form.  See pictures below.

 Last weekend we crossed the valley and went to the other side - to the other mountain range who's name escapes me.  We hiked right next to the copper mines.  There were a lot of atvs going up and down the dirt road to the trail head, once hiking we saw several hunters with guns and crossbows which made me kind of nervous.  Good thing I had my rainbow scarf around my shoulders, not many elk wearing those this season.

Work has picked up just a little.  I've been asked to be on the SPinal Cord Injury Team - which is a new initiative the company is starting with the U.  It's still in its infancy, but it sounds like it will be really interesting and I'll learn a lot.

I also got my hair cut!  Bangs!  There's a picture on facebook.

These are all on 6x6 inch ceramic tiles:

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