I did it! I actually competed in a dance competition....and came home with something to show for it!!
Another item has been crossed off my bucket list!

Ok - lets get to it.
Monday morning I went straight to TanPro to get my "chemical bath"-as Ryan calls it. After being sprayed up, down, and sideways, I went for a last pre-comp lesson with Michael Paul. It felt pretty good. I went home and practiced my make up, put on my dress, and glued on my nails. I have to say, taking out contacts with fake nails is a huge pain.
Anyway... Tuesday morning rolls around and I'm up early to put my face on, hair on, dress on and head out. My friend Rachel let me borrow a huge blingy sparkly wrist cuff for the competition, so that was also applied. My mom, Greg, and Baba picked me up and we headed to the Hyatt. Unfortunately Ryan couldn't join us. He had to be in Emergency clinic all week :(.
We arrived at the hotel and I found our group. I had to have Michael Paul fasten my shoes because I couldn't do it with my nails on! What a guy.
We were getting ready to warm up, but there was a registration problem with one of his other students. We mambo'd for a quick minute after that was sorted out, and then it was time to line up!

Deeeeeeep breath. There I was. We walked out onto the floor. Picked a spot, and got ready for the cha cha. Music, and go! Ahhh! I was dancing! Was I stiff as a board, well, yes. Did I get through 95% of it with out messing up...yeah! My mom caught some video of it, and now I can see 100 things I could improve...(number 1? smile more!). But all in all, it went off without too much of a hitch.
my cha chaI think the rumba was the best dance in the rhythm category. I didn't feel any hiccups in that one. Bolero was ok, but with each step I felt my dress getting shorter and shorter! By mid-song I was positive that I was offensive, so I tried to slyly (yeah right. me? sly?) pull the hem down during a turn.
Cue mambo. Mambo was "eh". I think I stayed on time for most of it, but when I decided to put my arm up and get fancy...well, the feet suffered.
Just like that, it was over. Michael Paul gave me a quick "Good job!" before he was off to line up for his next heat with Dianne, his other student. I sat back down at our table, and for some odd reason, I felt tears in my eyes!
I don't get it. I was satisfied with my performance. I wasn't thrilled with it, but it wasn't terrible. I didn't feel upset...but somehow there I was, opening my eyes as wide as possible, looking up, pretending to fix an eyelash - all I could do to keep my lacrimal glands in check.
For the next 30 minutes, every time someone congratulated me or asked how it went, all I could do was squeak out a "
We watched the other performers for a while, before mom, Greg, Baba and I left to get lunch and head home.
Diane, Michael Paul and I
After hanging at the hotel, we went to dinner at City BBQ and recapped the day to Ryan.
The next morning it was time to start again.
I was up early with Ryan, layering on the eye makeup and clipping in the hair. I had lost one of my eyelash strips the day before, so I cut the remaining one in half and stuck one on each outer corner - I think it looked better than before!
In much the same fashion as the day before, I was picked up by the fam and we went to the Hyatt. Only this time I left my coat and cell in a bathroom, never to be seen again. I'm annoyed that all my contacts were lost, and I really liked that coat!
Anyway, Michael Paul and I warmed up, and darn it, the warm up was better than the actual performance! WHY?!?! Oh well... we were in the first heat again.
The waltz was satisfactory, I belly-slammed him in the tango, foxtrot was ok, and I enjoyed dancing the Viennese waltz, even if there was hesitation on a few steps.

I left the floor a little bummed that I didn't perform as well as I thought I could/should have. I didn't have much time to lament that fact before MP was off to dance another heat with Diane.
After watching countless other heats and dancers, the announcer asked everyone onto the floor to announce awards. MP and Diane were already standing out there. I asked myself if there was any point to me going out there since, like yesterday, I wasn't exactly a shoe-in for anything.
But, I sauntered out and stood behind some tall people as they started calling names. They started with pre-bronze waltz. The guy says into the mic "Third place Stephanie and...uh...Stephanie and Michael Paul..2nd place..so and so..".
SAY WHAT? WHO? Was that me? Did he say me?!?!?! Now I was holding back tears for a whole new reason! MP and I walked up and got the 3rd place token from the guy...I was so totally shocked and floored. Especially since I didn't think my performances were anything to write home about. After we got our coin...he said my name THREE MORE TIMES! For each of the other dances, 3rd place. Oh Em Gee.

Before I had a chance to understand what just happened. Baba and my mom were right there, attacking MP and I with hugs, kisses, and tears. Wow. I still can't believe it. I am over the moon!!

We danced one more time in an extra round...again I tripped up on a few things, but at that point, I was so happy about the third places, I wasn't too worried. We headed out for lunch at Wendy's and my mom, Greg, and Baba headed back to Y-town.
Baba purchased a dvd of each of my dances - so thankful to have that!!! I watched it with Ryan so that he was able to see everything. Its a great keepsake to show the grandkids someday :)