Monday, July 10, 2017

Two much fun

*She was 2 in May!

Our big girl is two years old!  We had a great time visiting family in Ohio and celebrating her birthday.  She played with grandma and grandpa and was happy as a clam the whole time we were there.  She did get a stomach bug, seemingly, while we were there. She woke up puking 4 times in one night, heartbreaking!  She went back to sleep easily after all those sheet and pj changes and took a few sips of water and was fine the next morning.

We have been busy enjoying our playdates with friends at playgrounds, our house, and at friends' homes.  MusicTogether just wrapped for the season and we will start back in the fall.  We begin a new session of Toddler Storytime at the library on Monday.  Liza has also been loving the Friendship Center pool.  Ryan has joined us twice and got to see how much Liza loves the water.

We head out to Ocean City for a week next Friday - can't wait to relax on the beach.  Haha!  I mean I can't wait to chase Liza all around, in and out of the water, around the rocks, etc.