Monday, November 28, 2011

Buckets of fun

My post about the dance competition got me to thinking about bucket lists. I've never seen the movie...but I like the concept. I think a bucket list helps to ensure you are living life to the fullest. It keeps goals visible so that day to day life doesn't get in the way of some really great experiences.

I'm going to list mine out, it will be short to start. I'm going to include some things that have already been accomplished.

  • Teach a Zumba class -Thanks to a good friend, this dream came true over the summer. I was able to sub 3 of her classes. It was so fun. I couldn't believe I had done it. Me. Standing - dancing, really - up there on a stage all by myself, leading the class. Wow!! So thankful to have a friend who trusts me to lead a class that she built herself.
  • Learn to dance - This is on-going. Learning to ballroom dance has been so fun. Competing in a dance competition...and actually placing!? Well, that was just the icing on the bucket :)
  • Be a nurse. - done!
  • Travel the world - on-going (Ecuador in a week, woo hoo!)
  • Have a baby - hopefully when Ryan's done with school.
  • Be in a musical production. Local theater counts.
  • Change a life - oh I know, small acts of kindness can change lives everyday, and yes, that's quite special and should be valued. But, I'd really like to change at least one life (in need of changing), directly, irreversibly, and for the better.
More to come...what's on your bucket list?

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