Saturday, March 6, 2010

Fat guy in a little coat...

...Only this version is "Tall guy at a little table!" Last night Ryan and I went out to dinner with my dearest best friend Ang and her boyfriend Paul. We ended up at Sushi En, one of only 2 places I've had sushi. Paul suffers from what he calls TFS, or "Tall Freak Syndrome." Considering this I jumped at the opportunity to have all 4 of us seated a table about 4 inches off the ground.

Ang and Paul:
We were instructed to take off our shoes, although Ang didn't comply with this, and sit on the floor. We had chairs with no legs, just a seat and a back. All through the meal we were shifting our legs around, trying to keep them from falling asleep, while simultaneously hitting our knees over and over, and over again. Poor Paul couldn't even get his legs under the table and just kinda sat sideways the whole meal.

Here's a picture of our legs crammed under the table:
The food was good, and instead of fortune cookies like at a Chinese place, we were given little orange boats. Refreshing!

Ryan complained about how he could have eaten 4 sushi rolls on his own rather than the 2 rolls we split. It's true, sushi is pricey and you don't get much food. It was a great time though, and very tasty. We stopped at Chic-fil-a on the way home and each ordered 8 nuggets. Ryan also had a bowl of cereal when we got back.

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